July 26, 2024 - Letter from Session
July 26, 2024
Dear Christ Pres Family,
We are so grateful for all 48 suggestions that were given for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) and we are thanking God for how many are willing to serve in this capacity. From those many willing folks, we have tried to select a balanced slate of nominees for your consideration. Our aim is to present a slate of nominees that reflects well some of the diversity of our congregation and is a representative cross-section of our congregation. We are aware that with a congregation as diverse as ours, we can't guarantee every viewpoint will be represented. But, we trust that each one will take into account and be sensitive to the needs and well-being of the whole congregation.
After prayerful reflection and many conversations, the Session is ready to present to you a slate of nominees for the PNC. The following nominees have been approached, have considered their responsibilities carefully in prayer, and have consented to be nominated.
Kathy Wibberly - Chair of the PNC (Session has selected her as the elder to be chair of the PNC)
PNC Nominees Presented for Congregational Vote:
Hayden Braxton
Hope Braxton
Kelly Hargreaves
Lillian MacPherson
Jeremy McEntire
Danny Peck
Ian Savino
We are calling for a special congregational meeting to be held on Sunday, August 11th immediately following the service for the purpose of voting on this slate of nominees.
Just as a reminder, below is the detailed process for forming the PNC. You will see that we have completed Steps 1-4. Please review Steps 5-7 to see what is next.
Process for Forming the PNC
This is described in our newly adopted by-laws. In summary, the steps will include:
Session will elect an elder to chair the PNC.
Session will prayerfully consider potential PNC nominees from available covenant partners and active baptized members.
Session will approach potential PNC members to discuss the responsibilities and their availability.
A proposed slate of nominees will be sent to the congregation along with at least 2-weeks notice of a special congregational meeting for the purpose of voting on the slate of nominees.
At the congregational meeting, members may nominate additional names for the slate.
If additional names are nominated, there will be at least a one-week postponement of the vote to allow time for further prayerful consideration.
If the final slate exceeds the maximum number set by session (yet to be determined), then there will be a vote taken by secret ballot by the congregation.
Joyfully in Christ,
CPC Session of Elders:
Karen Carr, Judy Hounsel, Jeremy McEntire, Makenzie Smith, Kathy Wibberly, Ev Worthington
Moderator: Bob Andrews