July 9, 2024 - Letter from Session
July 9, 2024
Dear Christ Pres Family,
In this season of transition, we are committed to updating you regularly about where we are in the process. We are thankful for Keith Hill’s sermon based on 2 Corinthians 4:7 - We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. What a great reminder that we are clay pots (not fine porcelain) and our new pastor will be a clay pot. But, we have a great treasure - the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
Many thanks to each of you who submitted suggestions for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). When all the suggested names were gathered, we had a list of 48 people! This confirms what we already knew - that we have many capable members of our congregation who would serve well.
Session has been praying over the suggested names and talking about how to narrow down the list. Our focus is not only on each individual in terms of what they would bring but also the PNC as a whole. Some of our considerations were how this group would work together; having a variety of individuals that reflects the diversity of our congregation (e.g., gender, age, culture, ministry group involvement); not having more than one person from the same family; and aiming for approximately 8 members of the PNC.
We are now at the stage of approaching potential PNC members to discuss the PNC responsibilities and their availability to serve.
The next step will be to send you a proposed slate of nominees. When we send that we will also give at least 2-weeks notice of a special congregational meeting for the purpose of voting on the slate of nominees. It’s hard to give a timeline on when this will happen as it depends on the conversations we have with potential nominees but our hope is that this will be within a few weeks time.
Please join us in praying that we will listen well to the voice of the Holy Spirit as we work to finalize a PNC slate of nominees. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us if you have questions or concerns.
We love you and are committed to praying for you,
CPC Session of Elders:
Karen Carr, Judy Hounsel, Jeremy McEntire, Makenzie Smith, Kathy Wibberly, Ev Worthington
Moderator: Bob Andrews