August 11, 2024 - Minutes from Congregational Meeting
Minutes of the Congregational Meeting
August 11, 2024
Present: Needed for quorum 21; Quorum (44)
Convened in prayer, 11:52 pm.
It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the June 2 congregational meeting.
Kenzie explained the Session’s process in arriving at a chair and slate of nominees, emphasizing providing voice to as many aspects of the Christ Pres community as possible.
Here is the slate:
Chair, appointed by Session, is Kathy Wibberly (not subject to congregational approval)
The slate (who have all been approached, discerned God’s will, and agreed to be put forth to the congregation) comprise the following:
Hayden Braxton
Hope Braxton
Kelly Hargreaves
Lillian MacPherson
Jeremy McEntire
Danny Peck
Ian Savino
Karen explained the process of today, and, if there are other nominees, what will happen.
The floor was opened for nominations and discussion:
While affirming the slate as presented, David Wood expressed desires for (1) more nominees with more life experience and (2) those looked up to for spiritual maturity.
Scott Gwynn affirmed David’s sentiments, and expressed appreciation to the Session for its work and to the many people who were considered already.
The following nominations were made and seconded. Here are the ones who were nominated, seconded, and who did not decline.
Roger Hershberger
Marilyn Metzler
Bob Andrews
David Wood
Rhonda Lewis
In the next two weeks, Session will approach each to see whether they understand the responsibilities of being part of the PNC, whether they can fulfill those responsibilities, whether they can affirm the ECO requirements, and whether they believe God has led them to be a nominee for the Pastor Nomination Committee. Session will set the number of people on the committee. One of two outcomes will happen: (1) if the Session increases the number on the PNC such that the nominees equal the size of committee, then a vote will be taken on the entire slate (up or down); or (2) if the number of nominees exceed that number of PNC members, a secret ballot will be taken at a congregational meeting August 25 to determine which people the congregation has chosen to be the PNC.
Next meeting: August 25, 2024.
Adjourned in prayer 12:16 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Everett L. Worthington, Jr.
Clerk of the Session