October 29, 2024 - PNC Update #2
October 29, 2024
Dear Christ Pres Family,
The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has been hard at work and held our second and third meetings on September 29 and October 13. Between those meetings and today, we've made great progress:
The PNC finalized our Church Profile and Pastor's Job Description
The Personnel Committee and Session approved the revisions to the Pastor's Job Description
The Presbytery Ministry Partnership Team (MPT) approved our Church Profile and Pastor's Job Description
John Lindner applied his graphic design expertise to enhance our Church Profile and Pastor's Job Description
A form for receiving applications was created, and Paige added a "Pastor Search" button on our church website's Home Page, along with a Pastor Search page where candidates can now submit their application materials
The PNC has an agreed upon process for reviewing candidate applications
We also compiled a list of seminary and other job boards to post our Pastor Search information, and some of those postings are already underway!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we enter into a season of review and discernment. As we begin to receive candidate applications over the coming months, pray that we mayseek God's direction,listen well, and maintain unity of spirit.
We would also be grateful for your help in spreading the word! As many of you know, networking is often the most effective way to find a job. If you have connections in ministry work or know others who might, please let them know about our search. Interested parties can find all the information they need here:
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Pastor Nominating Committee Members: Kelly Hargreaves, Danny Peck, Jeremy McEntire, Lillian Macpherson, Ian Savino, Hope Braxton, Hayden Braxton, Bob Andrews, David Wood
Chair: Kathy Wibberly