The Love of Christ

We believe the good news about Jesus frees us for a life of love. Real love. The kind of love that puts God and others first. The kind of love you’re looking for. We’re committed to helping people know, show, and grow the love of Christ.

Know the Love

You are loved. From all eternity, God has loved you, and he’s determined to rescue and heal you. Believing that is easier said than done. That’s why we come back to this truth again and again—that love is at the center of everything. We want to know, and to help others know, God’s tireless, unswerving love for us in Christ .

Grow the Love

Your love was made to grow. We think it grows best in community, with others who are learning the way of Jesus: loving God and loving people. We long to see the love of Christ grow in us, as we become more like Jesus, and grow in the world, as more people come to trust and follow Jesus.

Show the Love

We’re committed to showing the love of Christ — sharing it with one another, and with the world, in all kinds of practical ways. In our schools, places of work, neighborhoods, and city, we want all we do to flow from and reflect the humble, self-giving love of Jesus.


OUR Leaders


We are in the process of our search for the next Pastor of Christ Pres.

Richard Haney
Interim Pastor
Email Richard

Paige Savino
Email Paige

Blair Ward
Coordinator of Children's Ministry

Dan Hargreaves
Office Manager and Treasurer


Bob Andrews, Moderator of Session

class of 2027, 1st term

Ev Worthington, Clerk of Session
class of 2025, 2nd term

Judy Hounsel
class of 2025, 2nd term

Jeremy McEntire
class of 2026, 2nd term

Makenzie Smith
class of 2026, 1st term

Kathy Wibberly
class of 2027, 2nd term


Pat Braxton
class of 2027, 2nd term

Amy Gittman
class of 2025, 1st term

Meredith Kaiser
class of 2027, 1st term

Mike Savino
class of 2025, 2nd term

Marshall Smith
class of 2026, 2nd term

Heather Wood
class of 2026, 2nd term


Our Values

The Kingdom over the Congregation

We believe the church exists to be a sign, foretaste, and instrument of God’s kingdom. Practically, this means that we are ready to partner with others for the common good of our city and eager to send out individuals from our body for the sake of God’s kingdom. Our focus is more on equipping our members for ministry in the world than on growing our congregation. 

The Community over the Christian

We believe we know God, grow in Christlikeness, and serve the world best when we do it together. The Christian life is always personal but rarely, if ever, private. We continually look for ways to be the church together. We also value differences among Jesus’ followers, and we seek to be a community that makes room for faithfulness in all its forms.

People over Programs

We believe people are more important than programs. If we invest time and energy in programs, it is to the extent that they help us and others grow in Christ. Our focus is more on the health of the vine than the quality of the trellis, and we pursue Christian growth primarily through relationships.   

Seven Days over Sunday

We believe church is not an activity we do, not a place we go, but rather a people we are, by God’s grace. We are the church in our gathered and scattered lives throughout the week. We seek to make our time together on Sunday serve our being the church Monday through Saturday. Because all of life is the Lord’s, we serve the Lord seven days a week. 

Priesthood of All Believers over Professional Pastor

We believe the Holy Spirit is generous, giving every member of the body gifts for its edification and mission. We want to share leadership and ministry responsibilities throughout our body according to our gifts and callings. We encourage and help each other to see how God is gifting each member of the body for ministry and mission, and we actively look for ways to be involved in the church’s life and mission.  


Our mission

We believe God is healing and renewing the world through Jesus, and that He includes us in this mission. In addition to partnering with and supporting the ministries below, we have sent mission teams to New Jersey, New York, Louisiana, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ghana, Tanzania, and Albania.


Our Affiliation

We are a part of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, whose mission is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. 

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